The Ehsaas program, initiated in 2019, aims to offer financial support to underprivileged segments of society, ensuring their essential needs are met for a better quality of life. Originally launched through the Dynamic Survey in 2011, the program has evolved, with the NSER survey becoming more accessible in 2024, allowing registrations at over 600 tehsil offices across Pakistan.
Ehsaas 17000 New Payment:
Existing beneficiaries of the Ehsaas program have already received their monthly installments for 2024. Those yet to receive payments can visit nearby payment centers. Additionally, individuals previously enrolled in the Benazir Kafalat program, receiving education scholarships, can now access scholarship funds.
Eligibility Criteria:
To qualify for the 17,000-rupee payment, individuals must meet certain criteria. Those previously receiving education scholarships or Benazir Kafalat program funds can still claim the 17,000-rupee amount if they meet eligibility requirements. Otherwise, they may receive the 9,000-rupee Benazir Kafalat program amount.
Checking Registration (8171):
If you’ve registered for the Ehsaas program but haven’t received an SMS from 8171, you can check your eligibility online. Visit the official Ehsaas program website, enter your National Identity Card details, solve the captcha, and click “Know” to view your eligibility status. Once confirmed, you can proceed to the nearest tehsil center for further assistance.
The revamped Ehsaas program survey seeks to include families previously disqualified, ensuring financial assistance for those genuinely in need. Prospective beneficiaries should promptly register at the nearest Tehsil office to avail themselves of the program’s benefits. The government’s commitment to registering numerous families underscores the program’s dedication to supporting the financially vulnerable.