8171 Web Portal 25000 CNIC Check Online

Great news for individuals enrolled in the BISP and Ehsaas Program through the 8171 service. The government of Pakistan has recently taken a significant step to support impoverished and deserving families by offering them a means of stable income. This initiative aligns with the primary objective of the Ehsaas program, aiming to provide financial assistance of twenty-five thousand rupees to those in need, particularly those affected by natural disasters like floods and earthquakes.

Registration Details:

  • Name:
  • CNIC (Identification Card) Number:
  • Mobile Number:
  • Age (in years):
  • Number of Household Members:
  • Number of Children Under Ten Years Old:
  • Marital Status:

This program is designed to aid those who struggle to meet their basic needs, ensuring they have access to essential resources. Additionally, the government of Pakistan has initiated the Ehsaas Rashan Program, which supplies high-quality food items to the people of Pakistan.

Online Check for Rs 25,000 Assistance through 8171 Web Portal:

Under the Ehsaas Kafalat program, eligible families affected by natural disasters will receive financial aid of Rs 25,000. It’s crucial to note that this assistance is exclusively for impoverished and deserving families, excluding those impacted by floods and earthquakes.


Ehsaas Web Portal Registration:

To register for the Ehsaas program online, you need to utilize the web portal. Once registered, you’ll receive regular monthly payments. If you wish to enroll in the Benazir Income Support Program, the same web portal can be used for online registration and subsequent monthly disbursements.

Ehsaas Eligibility Verification:

The Ehsaas Get Together web portal simplifies the eligibility verification process for those entering the program. Individuals can easily check their eligibility and program status.

Eligibility Criteria:

To join the program, applicants must meet specific criteria established by the government:

  • Belong to a low-income, deserving family.
  • Lack sufficient financial resources.
  • Do not own land or property.
  • Have not traveled abroad.
  • Do not engage in business activities, domestically or internationally.
  • Have no pending legal issues.

After ensuring you meet these criteria, you can proceed with your application. It will undergo processing and verification before your enrollment in the program is confirmed.

Checking Eligibility:

You can check your eligibility after applying for the Ehsaas program. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of the Ehsaas program created by the government of Pakistan.
  2. Enter your ID card number, phone number, and complete address.
  3. The website will provide information regarding your eligibility status. If eligible, you’ll receive the government-specified assistance amount. If not, you can reapply.

How to Apply for Ehsaas 8171:

The application process for the Ehsaas program is straightforward:

  1. Visit the official Ehsaas program website.
  2. Click on the registration button to initiate the process.
  3. Fill out the registration form with your personal information, including your ID card number, phone number, and address.
  4. Submit the form on the website.
  5. You’ll receive a confirmation message on your mobile phone, indicating the completion of your registration. You can then collect your funds from a designated bank.

If you encounter any issues with the official process, you can visit the Benazir Income Support Program office for assistance, where you can update your information and reapply if necessary.

BISP Basic Information Required

Contact  Number0800-26477, 051-9246326
Address Benazir Income Support Program, Block F, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan
Registration Document RequiredCNIC, B-Forms, Mobile No, Gas/Electricity Bill, Home Rent Agreement if Available.

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