Receive BISP Payment Without Biometric Verification 2023

The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) plays a crucial role in providing financial assistance to those in need. One essential aspect of this assistance is the fingerprint verification process, which, if unsuccessful, can lead to delays in receiving stipends.

Challenges in Biometric Verification

Despite its importance, beneficiaries often face challenges with the biometric verification process. Limited attempts for thumbprint verification add to the complexity, requiring alternative approaches to ensure timely payments.

Alternative Steps for BISP Payment

In instances where fingerprint verification proves challenging, beneficiaries should explore other payment centers. A proactive approach can make a significant difference in expediting the payment process.

Visit to Nadra Office for Verification

The first alternative step involves visiting the nearest Nadra office to get fingerprints verified. This step is crucial to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of the beneficiary’s identity.

Visit to BISP Tehsil Office with Family Member

If Nadra verification is not feasible, beneficiaries are advised to visit the BISP tehsil office with a family member carrying a valid ID card. Lodging a complaint about the failed fingerprint verification is the next crucial step.

Payment Procedure Without Fingerprint Verification

The BISP payment process without fingerprint verification involves the concerned officer processing payments in the presence of the beneficiary. This ensures transparency and addresses the challenge of unverified fingerprints.

Communication After Form Submission

After submitting the required form, beneficiaries will receive updates through messages or calls from 8171, providing them with clear insights into the status of their application.

Special Instructions for Islamabad, Punjab, Sindh, and Balochistan

Beneficiaries in these provinces should visit the nearest branch of Habib Bank with a relative holding the same identity card for verification. In informal situations, the nearest BISP Tehsil Office should be consulted.

Branch Visit to Habib Bank for Payment

The branch visit to Habib Bank is a crucial step for beneficiaries in Islamabad, Punjab, Sindh, or Balochistan. After verification, the bank releases the stipend, ensuring a smooth payment process.

Instructions for KPK, Gilgit, Balochistan, or AJK

Beneficiaries in these regions receive notifications through messages or calls from 8171, prompting them to revisit the BISP office. Bank Al Falah representatives, in collaboration with the Assistant Director, facilitate the verification process.

Verification Through NADRA and Bank Al Falah

The verification process involves entering the ID card into the bank’s system, receiving mobile codes, and completing system verification. This collaboration between NADRA, Bank Al Falah, and BISP ensures secure and efficient payments.

Ensuring Regular Payment Post-Procedure

Beneficiaries can rest assured that regular payments will commence once the verification process is successfully completed. This instills trust in the system and provides a sense of financial security.


In conclusion, the outlined alternative steps for BISP payment without fingerprint verification offer a practical guide for beneficiaries facing challenges in the biometric process. By following these steps, applicants can navigate the hurdles and secure their stipends in a timely manner.


  1. What should I do if my fingerprints are not verified at Nadra?
    • If Nadra verification fails, visit the BISP tehsil office with a family member and lodge a complaint.
  2. How will I be informed about the status of my application?
    • After submitting the form, expect updates through messages or calls from 8171 within a few days.
  3. Are there specific instructions for beneficiaries in Islamabad, Punjab, Sindh, or Balochistan?
    • Yes, beneficiaries in these provinces should visit the nearest branch of Habib Bank with a relative for verification.
  4. What if I face an informal situation in the payment process?
    • In informal situations, refer to your nearest BISP Tehsil Office for guidance.
  5. Is the payment process the same for beneficiaries in KPK, Gilgit, Balochistan, or AJK?
    • No, beneficiaries in these regions follow a specific process involving Bank Al Falah for secure payments.

Contact Information

Telephone number0800-26477, 051-9246326
AddressBenazir Income Support Scheme, Block F, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad
Official BISP

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