25% Increase In BISP Budget (October 2023)

Yesterday, the Government of Pakistan unveiled the budget for the fiscal year 2023-24. This budget showcases a range of initiatives aimed at fostering Pakistan’s economic development and steering it away from the grasp of poverty.

The key highlights of this budget include provisions to generate employment opportunities, fortify the IT sector, enhance agricultural production through the integration of advanced agricultural technologies, and bolster Pakistan’s defense sector. Furthermore, to ensure access to essential healthcare, the budget has reduced taxes on medicines, while also introducing favorable policies for freelancers and small business startups.

The industrial sector has received attention,

with a focus on boosting Pakistan’s exports for sustained growth. Additionally, the budget allocates a 35% increase in the salaries of government employees in Grades 1 to Grade 16, a 30% increase for those in Grades 17 to 21, and improved pension benefits for retired government employees.

BISP Budget 2023-24:

The flagship program, the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), continues its mission to provide financial assistance to underprivileged families across Pakistan. BISP operates various schemes aimed at reducing unemployment and alleviating poverty. Notably, this year’s budget for BISP has been increased by 40 billion rupees compared to the previous year, reflecting a commitment to support impoverished families.

BISP Budget 2023-24 – Ehsaas 8171 Program:

The Benazir Income Support 8171 program remains a cornerstone of the Government of Pakistan’s efforts to combat poverty. This program provides vital financial aid to Pakistan’s economically disadvantaged citizens.

Over the years, it has made substantial strides in reducing poverty rates. In the latest budget, an additional 40 billion rupees have been allocated to the Benazir Income Support Program, bringing the total budget to 400 billion rupees. For the upcoming year, a proposed budget of 450 billion rupees has been set aside for this critical program.

BISP Registration 2023:

If you wish to participate in the Benazir Income Support Program but have not yet enrolled, you must first complete the NSER survey. To initiate your registration process and access detailed information, please click the button below.

NSER Survey

Furthermore, for eligibility inquiries and comprehensive program details, you can click the button below to join the Benazir Income Support Program. Remember, completing the NSER Survey is a prerequisite for program enrollment.

BISP SMS Registration:

To register for the Benazir Ehsaas 8171 Program in 2023, families can follow these steps:

  1. Complete the NSER survey.
  2. Ensure you have your National Identity Card.
  3. Visit your nearest Benazir Income Support Program office to finalize your survey.
  4. Families who missed the previous survey can also complete their registration.

Please note that the Benazir Income Support Program receives messages only from the number 8171. Beware of messages from other sources claiming to be associated with the program.

Contact Information

Telephone number0800-26477, 051-9246326
AddressBenazir Income Support Scheme, Block F, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad
Official websiteBISP

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