Benazir Income Support Program Registration Region Wise Update

In Pakistan, the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) has been a beacon of hope for impoverished families since its inception in 2008. Spearheaded by Yusuf Raza Gilani, this program aims to eradicate poverty and uplift the underprivileged communities. With over 600 tehsil offices across the country, the registration process is now more accessible than ever, offering a financial lifeline of 9,000 rupees. This article outlines the registration procedure and the impact of the BISP on the lives of countless Pakistanis.

Understanding the Benazir Income Support Program

History of BISP

  • The brainchild of Yusuf Raza Gilani, BISP emerged in 2008.
  • Its core objective: alleviating poverty and fostering development.
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Regional Reach

  • BISP operates in Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, and Azad Kashmir.
  • Aiming to cater to the needs of impoverished people across these regions.

Enrollment Essentials

  • Prior to registration, it is crucial to determine your eligibility.

Benazir Income Support Program 2023: A Digital Approach

The Online Revolution

  • In 2023, BISP introduced an online registration procedure via BISP.Gov.Pk.
  • This initiative streamlines accessibility for the digitally inclined.

Benazir Kafalat Program

  • BISP, also known as Benazir Kafalat Program, offers unconditional cash transfers.
  • Its primary goal: provide 9,000 rupees to deserving families every three months.

Catering to the Underprivileged

  • The program is committed to improving the lives of those living in underprivileged areas.

Region-Specific Insights

Benazir Income Support Programme Peshawar

  • Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, has its own BISP chapter.
  • Financial assistance is extended to impoverished Peshawar residents.

Benazir Income Support Program Karachi

  • Karachi, the hub of economic activity, benefits from BISP.
  • The program aids the city’s labor force.

Benazir Income Support Program Lahore

  • Lahore’s numerous offices serve the city’s impoverished.
  • Financial aid and assistance are provided, bolstering the fight against poverty.

Benazir Income Support Program Islamabad

  • Even the capital city is not exempt from poverty.
  • BISP operates in Islamabad, offering aid to those in need.

Navigating the BISP Website

Official BISP Website

  • The BISP.Gov.Pk website serves as the primary information hub.
  • It offers insights into eligibility criteria and application updates.

Communication Made Easy

  • The website facilitates communication between BISP and its recipients.
  • It eases the process of eligibility checking and registration.

Checking Eligibility and Receiving Aid

BISP 8171 Roll Number Slip

  • Roll number slips for 8171 programs are available online.
  • These slips make it convenient for beneficiaries to access financial aid.

Checking Your Account

  • Beneficiaries can conveniently check their account balance online by entering their CNIC number on the BISP portal.

How to Register for BISP

Office Registration

  • Interested individuals can register for BISP by visiting the nearest BISP office.
  • Completing the registration process includes providing necessary details, including your CNIC number.

Required Documents

  • When visiting the BISP office, carry the following documents:
    • Your CNIC number
    • Your children’s bay form
    • Your full address
    • Household electricity and gas bills
    • Certificate of disability, if applicable
    • Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria

  • To qualify for BISP, individuals must meet specific criteria, including:
    • Monthly income below 30,000 rupees
    • A poverty scope of 20%
    • Widowhood in poor families
    • No government jobholders in the family
    • No family members traveling abroad
    • Households with disabled members
    • Households with elderly members (60-70 years old)

Checking Household Eligibility

  • To assess your household’s eligibility, visit the official government website.
  • Fill out the form with your 13-digit CNIC, full name, and a four-digit image code.
  • After submitting, you’ll receive detailed information about your family’s eligibility.


The Benazir Income Support Program is a critical lifeline for millions of impoverished families in Pakistan. With its broad reach and digital initiatives, it aims to eliminate poverty and create opportunities for a better life. If you’re eligible, don’t miss the chance to register and receive financial assistance that can make a world of difference.


1. How can I check if I’m eligible for the Benazir Income Support Program?

  • Visit the official government website and fill out the eligibility form with your CNIC and personal details.

2. Where can I register for the BISP in my area?

  • You can register at your nearest BISP office.

3. What documents do I need to register for BISP?

  • You’ll need your CNIC, children’s bay form, address, electricity and gas bills, and disability certificates if applicable.

4. What is the eligibility criteria for BISP?

  • To qualify, your monthly income must be below 30,000 rupees, and your household’s poverty scope should be 20% or more.

5. How can I check my BISP account balance?

  • You can check your account balance online by entering your CNIC number on the BISP portal.

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